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The No Tears Tear

The No Tears Tear (english version below)

Cover zu The No Tears Tear, Manuskript von Michael Breggar - Bild lybrary.com
Cover zu The No Tears Tear, Manuskript von Michael Breggar – Bild lybrary.com

„The No Tears Tear“ ist ein Manuskript von Michael Breggar. Er beschreibt darin ausführlich seine Mentalismus-Nummer.

Neben der Beschreibung sind viele Fotos enthalten, die jede Aktion und jeden Schritt detailiert zeigen.

1. Auflage, 2024, PDF-Format, 6 Seiten.
Sprache: englisch
Preis 10 Dollar (2024)


The No Tears Tear (english Version)

Straight from the mentalism act of award-winning Linking Ring author Michael Breggar comes The No Tears Tear.

The No Tears Tear is an easy-to-execute center tear that provides a peek in real-time. Do we all need another center tear? Nope. You only need one. And this is the one.

The manuscript is loaded with text and photos depicting each action and step in detail. The rationale for each move is also discussed which makes learning the method a snap.

Real deceptive
Real easy

You will be using this approach in your mentalism routines shortly after reading and practicing. And you will use it for a long, long time as its applications are endless. You will burst into tears!

1st edition 2024, PDF 6 pages.
Price: 10 Dollar (2024)

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